January 10, 2019
IPP was represented at the Investiture Ceremony of Dame of Grace and Knight of Grace of the Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem. Recipients of the awards were: Marie Louise Clemetson, BH SRN DStJ, Hon John Hall,CD, OJ,BM, FRCP (London), FRSM, FACP, KStJ and Clembert Nathaniel Powell BH (M), JP, KStJ respectively.
IPP has the privilege of a reciprocal relationship with the St John’s ambulance and cadets. In November each year the cadets assists with the setting up for our Annual Fundraising Bazaar held in the Gardens of the Pegasus and St John’s Ambulance provide First Aid coverage for the event. . The youngsters benefit from the exposure to the cultural experience of an international bazaar and as a part of IPP’s outreach to children a group of the cadets are also taken to JMTC musical production staged at the Phillip Sherlock Theatre annually.
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